Federal Benefits for Staffing and HR Specialists
Course Highlights and Objectives
This 3-day course is designed to provide information on Coverage Determination and Federal benefit programs— Federal Employees Health and Life Insurance, Thrift Savings Plan, Leave, Civil Service Retirement System, Federal Employees Retirement System and Social Security, and explains in simple practical terms what Staffing and Human Resource Specialists should know in order to inform and accurately process new and current employee actions.
Participants are taught Coverage Determination law and regulation and provided with job aids, checklists and tools needed to make accurate coverage determinations for new, rehired, transfer and converted employees.
Who Should Attend
This course is designed primarily for Staffing Specialists, HR Specialists, HR Generalists and HR Support Staff who counsel new and separating employees on Federal benefits.If you provide information to new, rehired or separating employees, make retirement coverage determinations, process FEHB and FEGLI actions, respond to FSA and Thrift Savings Plan eligibility and participation inquiries or answer questions related to benefits actions, this course is designed to provide you with vital information.
Course Dates and Locations
This course is offered by GRB for on-site presentation at your agency. GRB can design or tailor courses to meet your unique needs. If you do not have a sufficient number of employees at your agency to justify on-site training, you may wish to sponsor on-site training for other Federal employees in your geographic area.